Dinosaur Dominoes - Mini Game
Based on traditional dominoes, the aim of the game is to get rid of your cards the fastest by building a domino line! Dinosaur Dominoes develops matching and observation skills as players match the right dinosaur to the end of the domino line.
Stomp and roar through a prehistoric land with our collection of dinosaur puppets and toys. Use these engaging tools during story or playtime to develop communication skills and create opportunities for personal expression.
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Suitable for ages 4-8.
Contains 28 dominoes.
Players: 2-4.
Incorporating our fantastic range of games and puzzles into the curriculum can help to develop children's concentration, language, maths and problem solving skills. Plus, they make learning even more fun! Madeleine Lindley's wonderful educational puppets and toys is great for enhancing both storytelling sessions in the classroom and at home with parents. Incorporating these resources into learning and play helps to promote language, listening, talking and attention skills in the early years.