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Mental Health & Well-Being KS2 Book Pack

  • ISBN13: BK178
£150.00 £120.00

The Mental Health and Well-Being Book Pack for KS2 contains a wide variety of titles which are designed to open conversations with pupils about their mental health and well-being, whilst educating them on topics such as resilience, emotions and being true to themselves.

What is mental health?

Mental health affects how you feel, think and act. Everyone’s mental health can change on a daily basis and can be affected by a range of factors.

How can we help?

Our book packs can help develop social and emotional skills in your school which will help pupils develop their resilience and manage their thoughts, feelings and behaviours.


Mental Health & Well-Being KS2 Book Pack

£150.00 £120.00

*If your school would prefer to be invoiced for this purchase, please select ‘invoice’ at checkout.

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